Documents required for visa Processing
1) Letter : Addressing to his excellency "Authorization The consular General" of respected High commission or Embassies for the existing Embassies or High Commission addresses (Wherever the Block visa has been sent) authorizing:" Fusion international Pvt. Ltd. holding license No.283/058/059 & Industrial No. 18490/058/059, Address: - Shankamul road, Naya Baneshwor, Post Box No: - 2420, Kathmandu, Nepal.
2) Power of Attorney : Authorizing "Fusion international (Pvt.). Ltd.” to be true attorney and agent in Nepal.
3) Demand Letter : Addressed to "Fusion international (Pvt.). Ltd. mentioning number of workers required in each category with salary duty hours and other benefits.
4) Visa slip/ Government Approval : Photocopy of the visa slip is required if the block visa is for multi- nationals and if the Block visa is for Nepalese nationals only then the "Original" is required.
5) Company Registration (C.R.) Copy : one copy (Photostats) is required
6) Service (Employment) Agreement: Two copies each signed and stamped by the "Sponsor" are required.
7) Agreement between two companies about terms and condition of the recruiting process.
8) Affadative only in case of Malaysia.
9) Letter Addressing to Ministry of Labour and Transport authorizing Fusion International P. Ltd. For the recruiting process.
Note : - All the document should be attested by respected countries Government or by chambers of Commerce.
G.P.O. Box No. 2420, Ktm,
Panchakumari Marga, New Baneshwor,
Kathmandu, Nepal
Phone:+977-01-2040548, 4464962,4465326
Fax:+977-01-4461213, 4464962
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